• Revolutionary technology
    for storage and transportation
    of fruits and vegetables

  • Revolutionary technology
    of safekeeping and transportation
    of fruits and vegetables

  • At the core of
    Fitomag®’s storage technologies
    is an inhibitor that stunts
    ethylene biosynthesis

  • Effectiveness of Fitomag® was proved
    for the treatment of climacteric fruits
    and vegetables during storage
    and transportation

  • High efficiency is achieved by using
    very low concentrations of Fitomag®

Juicy Fruit - Year Round!

Fitomag is an expert in the field of efficient technologies for long-term storage of fruits and vegetables.

The essence of the Fitomag storage technology lies in treating vegetables and fruits with 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), a gaseous inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, in very low concentrations (0.5-1 part per million).

Fitomag is effective at processing of climacteric fruits and vegetables: apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, plums, bananas, кiwis, persimmons, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons and melons.

Fitomag was developed by two leading Russian scientific institutions: the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture named after I.V. Michurin and the Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D. I. Mendeleyev under the guidance of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences’ Professor V.A. Gudkovskiy and Professor V.F. Shvets.

Since 2005 Fitomag has specialized in introducing Fitomag’s post-harvest technology of fruit and vegetable production.

How does Fitomag technology work?

More than 90% of apples, pears, berries and vegetables in Russia are stored in refrigerators with the usual atmosphere. Under normal conditions, this technology does not guarantee the preservation of high quality fruits (freshness, juiciness, taste) and their protection from physiological damage (sunburn, decay from aging, browning of internal tissues, browning of the core, wet burn, etc.) and fungal diseases.

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Effect of Fitomag

Fitomag disables the biological process of maturation and aging of the fruits by blocking the receptors with the active substance 1-methylcyclopropene. Inhibition of endocarpic biosynthesis of ethylene, α-farnesene, products of its oxidation, reduction of respiratory rate, enzymatic activity, decomposition of chlorophyll and other metabolic processes occurs.

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Why Choosing Fitomag

Integrated system

Production, storage and sale is an integrated system. We accompany the fruit, do analyses, review all its life, mineral status, ethylene, divide the party by the date of fruit removal, develop the Fitomag dosage for each varieties, and conduct monitoring of fruits during storage

Focus on and specialisation

Fitomag has long focused on and specialized in developing recommendations for clients by identifying the proper storage parameters, customized for each type and variety of the fruit.

Range of services

Fitomag not only sells a product that increases the shelf life of fruits and vegetables, it also provides a range of services including: consultations, developing recommendations, conducting analyses.


Fitomag provides consultations for agronomists and technicians for the accurate determination of yields and harvesting ripe fruit.

Developing recommendations

Fitomag provides developing recommendations on the fruit storage conditions

Conducting analyses

Fitomag provides conducting analyses of the state of fruit during storage and forecasting shelf life and maturation period of the fruit.


About Fitomag company

Fitomag is an expert in the field of efficient technologies for long-term storage of fruits and vegetables

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Services for Fitomag Effective Use

Production, storage and sale is an integrated system. We accompany the fruit, do analyses, review all its life, mineral status, ethylene, divide the party by the date of fruit removal, develop the Fitomag dosage for each varieties, and conduct monitoring of fruits during storage.

Clients Testimonials

Fitomag technology has shown high efficiency for storing apples and stone fruits in large horticultural businesses and small farms. Greenhouse complexes use the Fitomag (1-methylcyclopropene or 1-MCP) to increase shelf life of tomatoes and minimize damage to cucumbers during transportation.